Friday, February 19, 2010

Electric Sensation Mary I Have An Electric Like Shock Sensation That Starts In My Neck And Shoots All The Way Down To My Leg.

I have an electric like shock sensation that starts in my neck and shoots all the way down to my leg. - electric sensation mary

This usually happens when I lie on my right side, and that on my right side. I can also feel the muscle tension in the neck when this happens. Suggestions on what might have that would be great.


djfmr7 said...

His sense of shock in the neck can be a nerve when you have injured your neck in any way, it should be examined by a doctor as soon as possible, and you have muscle cramps, ie, the meaning of Töss your muscles, not something that should be ignored or easily find an answer. So my advice to you is seek medical care with the family doctor or a chiropractor. If the bleach on the right side and try to heat or cold compress to relieve their symptoms continue.

Dawn R said...

to define and set the right arm over your head and stretch your toes for you, as far as I can. repeated several times. This will help strengthen the muscles and release tension. sometimes tense and nerve compression. Fortunately, if it does not help, of course, see a doctor

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